Monday, July 23, 2007

It's been a year

Lost my log-in ID and password for my blog. Took me a year to figure out a way to retrieve. Who knows Blogger and gmail have somekind of arrangement.

Anyways, loads happened since that last post.

We managed to settle in to our new home. We nicknamed it the hippie lounge. Cos seriously it consists of hand-me downs furniture, untiled unlaminated floors, homemade everything else from curtains to cushion cover.

I am currently on a project to sew a new sofa cover. It is way-challenging taking into account that my sofa is a semi octagonal in shape and can accommodate 6 people very comfortable. It is now a dusty suede blue colour. I am trying to sew up a orange cover to bring in more colours to the living room. Managed to get this really cheap cloth to experiment with... like SGD2 per metre. I bought 40metres. Yupz! I kinda calculated and that is really how much I need. Of course I take into account failed attempts... I know myself too well.

Will keep you updated on the progress...

I've figured out how to upload pictures to the laptop too, so pictures coming up too.

I introduced my friend to sewing and it was like a I just introduced her to a new miracle slimming chocolate or something. She's just ecstatic.. check out what she did....

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